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HyperDia - Japan Rail Search

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Find schedules and routes for public transport in Japan

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If you're planning to travel to Japan or happen to live there, HyperDia - Japan Rail Search is a tool that instantly provides all the details you might need about the train lines around you.

With this app, you can find out how long it is before the next train arrives, the time left until the next stop or the end of the line, or the changes you need to make to get from one place to another. HyperDia - Japan Rail Search gives you access to maps and links for booking car rentals and hotels, and it also saves search histories. Basically, it simplifies your Japanese travel experience with just a few taps on your screen.

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Information about HyperDia - Japan Rail Search 1.3.3

Package Name com.hyperdia.android.activity
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Travel and Transportation
Language English
1 more
Author Hitachi Information Systems
Downloads 2,439
Date May 23, 2016
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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